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Now that you have successfully created and funded your airdrop, let's look at what you can do with the airdrop.

You can:

  • Pause the airdrop
  • Resume the airdrop with a new expiration time
  • Withdraw the remaining tokens
  • Burn the remaining tokens


It is possible to pause your airdrop making it unclaimable in case you think something is wrong.

You can create a new expiration time when you are about to resume the airdrop.


The remaining funds cannot be burnt or withdrawn unless the airdrop is paused or expired.


Withdraw the remaining tokens back to a wallet, currently, the connected wallet address is the default.


Withdrawn tokens can't be put back into the airdrop.


Burn the remaining tokens.


Burn action is irreversible. The burned tokens will never be accessible again.


Now that you successfully started the airdrop, it will be shown on the Available Airdrops page.


You can manage your airdrop by clicking the wrench icon.


You can search for an airdrop by its name or contract address.

You can see the airdrop you have allocated by checking out the final column.

To claim an airdrop, press the Claim button on the same row, followed by pressing Claim Airdrop on the directed page.

Congrats! You have successfully learned how to create your airdrop and claim it.